The ideal reagent for marine scrubbers for your vessels

Do you want to effectively remove sulphur oxides (SOx) from your ship’s engine? The reagent for marine scrubbers from Europiren ...

Do you want to effectively remove sulphur oxides (SOx) from your ship’s engine? The reagent for marine scrubbers from Europiren B.V. is the perfect solution for your business in the marine industry. This company has built extensive experience in this industry and always comes up with a bespoke solution for every client. Their specialists are always aware of the current legislations in the area of sulphur emission and its limits. Additionally, Europiren B.V. is located in the port of Rotterdam and thus guarantee an efficient logistic process for companies throughout the world. Are you curious about what they can do for your business or industry? Enquire after the possibilities and discover their high-quality marine scrubbers and other products.

Comply with the relevant regulations for marine vessels

Sulphur pollutes the environment through the formation of sulfur dioxide SO2. This originates from the burning of heavy fuels and can decrease air and water quality. Therefore, various legislations have played a role in the marine industry since 1 January 2015. These were set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Therefore, cleaning of the exhaust gas has become indispensable. From 1 January 2020, other areas outside the so-called Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs) must comply with these new regulations too. The marine scrubbers from Europiren B.V. are an ideal solution to meet all the regulations and prevent pollution. Above all, hybrid and closed-loop scrubbers are becoming more popular solutions, because they are in compliance with IMO 2020.

The benefits of MagTreat-S

The marine scrubbers from Europiren B.V. contain a natural magnesium hydroxide called MagTreat-S, which is a safe and efficient alkali for application in exhaust gas cleaners on ships. The scrubbers save storage space onboard and are completely safe for the crew and the environment. Discover all the advantages of these marine scrubbers and ask for advice about the application for your particular business.

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